Tuesday, November 22

taught myself how to set up a sewing machine and actually use it, been altering pants just to get a feel for it. gonna start making shirts so look foward to hot garbage gear!


been doing alot of skating lately getting footage with all the homies, recently took a trip up to New Hampshire to visit steve and got some goPRO footage. mainly a bunch of stupid clips and shit of us partying but we got some skating done. im gonna get the camera from danny so i can make an edit Stick around you nerds!

Monday, October 31

Blakes right our blog does suck a fat one.

But why not hook it up again, here is a painting I had recently did, its kinda just a wave that I did all crazy, it was one of these doodles I had done a while ago, and wanted to turn it into something cooler, I couldnt even tell you the last time I painted, let alone oil painting, but I like the way it came out so I might as well do more!

Thursday, July 7

Tuesday, July 5

Song of the Day

While we were on the planking subject

This has gone to far I came pictures of The Game, and Big Boi planking. Whens this shit gonna end?

Monday Mornin Laughs

hahah this shit is great

Wednesday, June 29

My 5 favorite Artists/Artworks seen on MashKulture.net

1) This is some works from virginia based artist David McDowell, you can just geuss why these are my favorite. Cmo'n The Big Lebowski colt classic, this is awesome. Click here for more, and I know your going to want to check out his website http://www.macdowellstudio.com/

2) This is really awesome Dan Tague crumpling up dollar bills using each letter as part of a phrase. Now this is cool who would have thunk it, check more out here.

3) Roa has been one of my favorite street artist of recent times, he has done many murals of rodents all over the world this is just one of them, check more of it out here.

 4. Chrisotpher Boffoli isnt the only one taking pictures of miniatures but I really like his stye, this series is called
 ' Disparity'. Each one is just as interesting as the next you can check more out here.

5. Morley is a street artist and has released this series of prints, you can check more out Here. And if you like them you can check out his blog at http://iammorley.squarespace.com/

If you like what you see be sure to go on and check out  http://english.mashkulture.net/

Monday, June 27

First Spotting

So I had my first spotting of a very well known graffiti artist AndrĂ© aka Monsieur AndrĂ© aka Monsieur A, I haven't really done to much looking around but spotted this little Gem on top of a roof right next to my building. Andre is well known for his stick figure characters as well as playing a roll in the Banksy movie "Exit Through The Gift Shop." If you want to check out more go to http://www.monsieura.com/.

Saturday Might Have been the Nicest Day All Year

Friday, June 24

10 Website to check out right now... And then some

1.) http://pinchmysalt.tv/ Stirling Spencers site, check out him and the gang and there wild antics.

2.) http://www.berniehatefield.com/ Home of the Jersey Sports fan and countless other hilarious videos

3.) http://scorpionsighting.blogspot.com/ I am not to sure who made this but I am glad they did, shits hilarious check it out for shore

4.) http://ohsnapbacks.com/ What can I say I told you I liked the site.

5.) http://hanksdailyspecial.tumblr.com/ Hank coming in hot, always a treat to check this out

6.) http://nikestadiums.com/productsbuzz/ You like Nikes? You want to stay on top of your shoe game?
check this out

7.) http://meaninglessdrinking.tumblr.com/ Another good one from a Plymouth Grad, nice collection of artwork, photography, and all that jazz

8.) http://arrestedmotion.com/ Heres a good site for contemporary art as well as street art, stay up on what's coming next nearest you

9.) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Keep-The-Change/173218849389353?ref=ts Ktc if you can't wait till the movie drops check out the loon edits there fire.

10.) http://www.marleycoffee.com/blog/ You gotta love the message that the offspring of the late great Bob Marley are spreading now a days, http://www.thehouseofmarley.com/

11.) http://crapinmybutt.blogspot.com/ God damn do I hate Cole St. Martin but I guess check this out

Wednesday, June 22

My New Favorite Site

Just helping me grow my already large hat collection, just feeding the addiction, Check it out you will like it

Monday, June 20


If this is a reoccurring theme and Mondays are always this slow where gonna have a lot of drawings up in here don't you  worry

Sunday, June 19

This and That

I am selling my old Imac G5 on ebay, so here are some random pictures that I had taken from it.

Niceee Sandy Hook Picture taken last fall

Tommy Tee, That Ill
My First "The What" Shirt Check it out at www.thewhatnewyork.com

HAHA Clark and his Hatchetwound

Sweatshirt Tribute To Andy Irons RIP

Elephant Clementine

My doodle from the first day of class

This is what happens when I cant doodle and theres clay infront of me

Killin it

Friday, June 17

Graphic I had in my head for a while

Thursday, June 16

and theres more

Here is some more food for your mind.

Monday, January 24

Saturday, January 22

Friday, January 21

Monday, January 17