Wednesday, June 29

My 5 favorite Artists/Artworks seen on

1) This is some works from virginia based artist David McDowell, you can just geuss why these are my favorite. Cmo'n The Big Lebowski colt classic, this is awesome. Click here for more, and I know your going to want to check out his website

2) This is really awesome Dan Tague crumpling up dollar bills using each letter as part of a phrase. Now this is cool who would have thunk it, check more out here.

3) Roa has been one of my favorite street artist of recent times, he has done many murals of rodents all over the world this is just one of them, check more of it out here.

 4. Chrisotpher Boffoli isnt the only one taking pictures of miniatures but I really like his stye, this series is called
 ' Disparity'. Each one is just as interesting as the next you can check more out here.

5. Morley is a street artist and has released this series of prints, you can check more out Here. And if you like them you can check out his blog at

If you like what you see be sure to go on and check out

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